THE RIFF: Master Your Genre First

I received a question recently from Alan asking if I have explored genres other than rock and whether I have blended rock with these genres. The answer is a definite yes, and I highly recommend everyone who creates music to do the same. Exploring different genres...

THE RIFF: You’ve just sold a product!

How would you like to open up your emails to see three separate emails saying that you have sold three of your tracks on a music library? Well, this happened to me today and I can tell you that it is a great feeling… someone spending their money to use YOUR music...

THE RIFF: Nothing More Important

  I had a wonderful weekend away with my family last weekend.  There is nothing better than time spent with the family. The drive home wasn’t so good, as we had a tyre blowout whilst driving round one of England’s most busy motorways the M25. To make...