Royalty Free Rock Music For Use In Media Creations

Royalty Free Rock Music For Use In Media Creations.

There is music inside each and everyone of us waiting to get out.  But even so, what do you do with it?

One simple answer is.. sell you music on royalty free music libraries.  This way:

– Your music has a purpose

– You are helping others in NEED of your music

– And you are getting paid!

This trach (and pretty much all of my tracks) are in royalty free music libraries, waiting to help someone in their project.

This track:

A strong and powerful Heavy Punk Metal track with pounding drums and gripping guitar riffs. This is a very full on track and demands attention!

Perfect for active promotion, motivational promo, trailer, sports activities, applications, soundtrack, action movies, commercial video, games, and other media projects.

Get in touch if you need my help getting started.


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